"Praise the Lord with the ..... " Psalm 32,2 How will you praise God?
"Rejoice with me, I have found my lost sheep." Luke 15, 6
Nine symbolic sheep on one sock representing the 99 in the flock.
Holy Socks Slippers with a pair of Ark and Rainbow Holy Socks.
Adult sizes £14.95, smaller sizes £9.75
"Be still." Mark, 4,39 A first century fishing boat tossed in a storm and a modern day fishing boat in calm waters illustrate this wel
Sheep and Goats Holy Socks come in three sizes - 4-7, 6-11 and extra large 12-16.
What could be more humble than a donkey and we've used this lovely design to illustrate the verse from Micah "what does the Lord require of you but ...
Not to be confused with our Jonah in the Whale design, this "not a pair" of socks, has Jonah about to jump ship into the stormy sea on one sock.
A colourful and detailed design to illustrate "And Noah did all that God commanded him." Genesis 6,22. How well Noah listened to God's instructions!
Seeing the bigger picture. "When I consider the heavens .......what are human beings that you care for them?" Psalm 8, 3-4
Go fishing and pay your taxes! A favourite among accountants and all who wonder at God's astonishing ways of provision for our needs.
" I heard the wheels being called 'the whirling wheels.'" Ezekiel 10, 13. We all have our images of God - sometimes still an old bearde
A design for cycle enthusiasts to wear anywhere. In bright sunshine yellow with verses from Ezekiel and Matthew.
Two verses for the "Service Socks" from Psalms and Corinthians. Not just for tennis players.
Covid's still out there and with many of us preferring to continue wearing them, here's just the mask for you.
Prefer to place your order by phone? Call us on 01671 404043 or mobile 079 1818 4539.